- Pragmatic Programmer
- Pragmatic Thinking & Learning
- Computer Science Distilled
- Healthy Programmer
- Being Geek
- breaking_and/entering
- ABAP to the Future
- Clean Code
- Head First Design Patterns
- Paul Grahams Essays
- How To Become A Hacker
- Jargon File
- Mastery (George Leonard)
- Mastery (Robert Greene)
- Interviews with the Masters (Robert Greene)
- The Laws of Human Nature (Robert Greene)
- The 48 Laws of Power (Robert Greene)
- The 33 Laws of War (Robert Greene)
- The 50th Law (Greene & 50 Cent)
- Hustle Harder & Smarter (50 Cent)
- Meditations (Marc Aurelius)
- Gorilla Mindset (Mike Cernovich)
- How to Hustle and Win I + II (Supreme Understanding)
- New World Ronin (Victor Pride)
- Do You! (Russel Simmons)
- Strohfeuer (Sascha Lobo, in german)
- Zettelkasten-Prinzip (in german)
- The little Book of Talent
- The Tao of Systems Thinking
- The Tao of Wu
- Worthless (Aaron Clarey)
- Die 36 Strategeme der Krise (Christian Rieck, in german)